Classic Stronger Braver Smarter Wall Quotes™ Decal

Classic Stronger Braver Smarter Wall Quotes™ Decal

You Are Stronger Thank You Seem, Braver Than You Believe, And Smarter Than You Think You Are - Christopher Robin - Winnie the Pooh - A.A. Milne

See it with your wall color!
You Are Stronger Than You Seem, Braver Than You Believe, And Smarter Than You Think You Are - Christopher Robin - Winnie the Pooh - A. A. Milne wall quotes vinyl lettering wall decal home decor nursery kids child read book literature
You Are Stronger Than You Seem, Braver Than You Believe, And Smarter Than You Think You Are - Christopher Robin - Winnie the Pooh - A. A. Milne wall quotes vinyl lettering wall decal home decor nursery kids child read book literature
SKU: kids0002

* = these colors have a metallic sheen
** = etched is not for walls. Use it on glass, tile, acrylic, & metal.