Help & Frequently Asked Questions

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Video Tutorials

How to Apply Wall Quotes™ Decals

Troubleshooting: Releasing the Decal from the Backing Paper

Troubleshooting: Decal Won't Stick to the Wall

Best Application Surfaces

Textured Surface Application

Apply A Two-Piece Decal

Glass Surface Application

Custom Decals

Creative Application

Frequently Asked Questions

General Information


Yes. We certainly want you to be happy with your product and we do our very best to ensure that this is so. We are happy to provide a graphic preview of nearly all our products - in addition to the graphic previews available in our online design center - prior to production so that you can be sure that you're getting exactly what you'd like. From there we can adjust the details so that the product comes exactly as you've pictured it. If we’ve made a mistake on your order, please contact us and we’ll fix it immediately.  We also offer free color samples so that you can test the colors in your own home before making a decision.


As you may have heard, a security vulnerability was found in OpenSSL, a rather popular technology that is used to secure web sites. Please rest assured that has been tested for this vulnerability and is safe. You can check sites at for this vulnerability.


Yes. We understand your concern and consider it one of our highest priorities to ensure that our site is safe and secure for your personal information. We will never sell information to a third party and will only use your information for its intended purpose: to place your order with us. We use the most-up-to-date encryption software and have two systems which protect your personal information and payment information separately. If you are still worried about providing you credit card online, just contact us by phone and we will be happy to place the order for you. You may also take a look at our privacy policy.


Our beautiful, full-color, 48-page catalog featuring our best-selling wall decal designs is available now! Order yours here, or browse at your convenience online.



Anything you might want to paint with an intricate design - floors, walls, DIY signs. Or, if you want to exactly match the design to another paint color in your home a stencil decal is the perfect option.

Some of our favorite projects are painted farmhouse signs! They're the perfect mix of rustic charm and country chic.  Shipping those large signs can be expensive. So make your own! Order any of the designs in our collections as stencils or create your own in our online Design Center.  When it arrives, simply place your stencil decal on your project surface, paint over the vinyl background and then remove. Simple as that and you've got a beautiful hand-painted, professionally designed sign. We've got a step-by-step tutorial to do just this on our blog



Since you will be using a stencil decal as a mask to paint the design, the color of the vinyl background won't matter. You may receive a variety of colors depending on our current stock.



Since many of the designs are intricate and involve many little pieces, a stencil decal can only be used once. The stencil will arrive with an opaque mask, just like our wall decals, so that during installation everything is arranged and aligned just right. You'll remove the mask before painting, and then the vinyl background itself once you've finished. Our vinyl stencils eliminate any mess-ups caused by shifting, often difficult-to-anchor re-usable stencils. 

Easy, no mess, hand-painted and downright lovely!



We have a full tutorial on our blog with step-by-step photos and instructions. You will "install" the stencil on your prepped surface just like a wall decal (remove the stiff backing paper, rub down the vinyl & mask, gently remove the mask). For most projects, we recommend first painting a thin layer of paint in the SAME color as your project surface after the stencil is applied to eliminate any bleeding.  Allow that to dry (usually 1-2 hours is sufficient) and then apply the paint in the color you want for the design. Then we suggest waiting another 1-2 hours for that paint to set before removing the vinyl background. You have less chance of smudging your design that way.

If you are ordering more than one of the same stencil, contact us and we can talk about a quantity discount.

If you have any questions at all, just let us know. We're always happy to help in any way and look forward to discussing your project and helping you create exactly what you have in mind.


We've done lots of testing in house and know that adequate space between the design and the edge of the stencil is super helpful to keeping paint off the background surface so we always include a nice margin for error! We do our best to include at least one inch of vinyl around each side of the design for a stencil. If that not possible (for some of our larger designs) you can easily add more mask with painter's tape or masking tape to prevent over painting. This extra space is plenty for hand-painting, but if you want to use a spray paint, just use paper, painter's tape, blasting sheeting (anything you want, really) to cover a larger surface and protect your project from overspray.

Example: If a design is noted as 5 inch by 17.5 inch, you will receive the stencil with an outer dimension of 7 inch by 19.5 inch, but the design will remain the listed size..



Almost any kind of paint will work.  We've used wall paint, acrylic craft paint, chalk paint, and chalkboard paint with great results.  We recommend using a bristle brush, foam brush, or a small foam roller (depending on your preference), but would not suggest spray paint as the overspray could make a mess (we've tried!). If you have a particular project in mind, we'd be happy to send samples you can test to be sure the stencil decal turns out just the way you've planned.

For most projects, we recommend first painting a thin layer of paint in the SAME color as your project surface after the stencil is applied to eliminate any bleeding.  Allow that to dry (usually 1-2 hours is sufficient) and then apply the paint in the color you want for the design. Then we suggest waiting another 1-2 hours for that paint to set before removing the vinyl background. You have less chance of smudging your design that way.


Designs originally designated as "two-color" are simply two separate stencils (you can paint them in any color combination you like!). Or, if you would like one piece as a stencil, and the other as the vinyl letters/design, leave us a note in the comments section at checkout. Or, contact us to place a custom order.


A DIY stencil decal is a doorway to creativity and allows you to paint any of the designs from our collection (or your own design too - created with our online Design Center or with help from our talented designers) anywhere you'd like. The letters/design are removed from the solid vinyl background, creating a stencil pattern you can hand-paint right onto your project surface.  Because the stencil is created with vinyl (super thin and very flexible), the edges come out crisp and neat on nearly any surface.

Install the DIY stencil decal just like you would our regular vinyl decals; full instructions and an application tool are included in every order.

If you have any questions at all, just let us know. We're always happy to help in any way and look forward to discussing your project and helping you create exactly what you have in mind.



To create and save a wishlist, you must have an account on our site. Then, just add a product to your wishlist to create the list. From your user account, you can change the settings of your list.

Share your wishlist with friends and family! From your user account, look for the tab 'Wishlist email'. Clicking this tab will enable you to enter email addresses to send a link to your wishlist.

To access your wishlist, you just need to first access your user account and then click the wishlist tab. Or, from the main menu you can find a direct link to your wishlist under More >> My Account >> My Wishlist.

To add an item to your wishlist, simply click the heart icon in the upper right area of the product page!
Be sure to select the size and color desired, as those properties will be saved in the wishlist also!

wishlist feature



We accept all major credit cards (MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express), Paypal, and e-checks through Paypal. We only accept checks or money orders from customers who need to pay with a Purchase Order number and have contacted us for pre-approval. Production time on orders paid for by e-checks and check or money order will take longer (7 to 14 business days depending on your bank) because we cannot create your order until payment has cleared. We recommend using a credit/debit card or Paypal for the fastest processing of your order.

We do our very best to keep our every-day prices fair and competitive, but like you, we also love a good deal!  Signing up for our newsletter is quick and easy and is the best way to hear about upcoming sales and discount offers!
Our Discounts section where we list overstock designs at a steal of a deal every day, without waiting for the next newsletter.

In addition to Free Shipping for all orders over $75.00 every day, follow us on Instagram @wallquotes and/or "Like” us on Facebook to stay up to speed on all our recent news and you never know when you will see a discount code appear.

During certain promotional periods, you may receive a special discount code tucked into the package with your brand new Wall Quotes™ decal that can be used on your next order or passed along to a friend. 

Finally, we host a monthly photo contest for the chance to win $50 in shop credit (wahoo!). The best photos are high quality (clear and well-lit) pictures that showcase the design in context (show us the decal in the room at large, not just a close-up). We love to share them on social media (you could be famous!) and include them in our ever-expanding photo gallery. So email us those photos, or tag us @wallquotes (Instagram) and/or use #wallquotesdecals and #belvederedesigns (Instagram and Facebook). We LOVE to see your photos!! #ourcustomersarethecoolest


Abolutely! Go to the Gift Cards page.

  • Choose the amount you would like to purchase.
  • Choose an email address for the lucky recipient of the card (optional)
  • Enter a short message for the recipient (optional, even if an email address was provided above)
  • Add it to your cart and complete your purchase

That's it! When your order is paid in full (which is immediately upon submitting if you use a credit card or PayPal), the Gift Card Code will be sent to the recipient's email address you entered on the Gift Card product page. If no email address was entered, the email address used at checkout will receive the Gift Card Code.


Yes, though it depends on the project and the volume. If you have a very large project you'd like us to work on and think you may qualify for a volume discount, contact us with the details and we will see what we can do from there.


Yes! We absolutely will accept a PO. You can email the PO directly to us at Or if you would prefer to place the order online, just select to pay by check and include the PO number in the comments section. We will send an invoice for payment and get the order in production.  You'll receive it within 5-7 business days (our standard turn-around time) and payment terms are Net30.  Please contact us if you have any questions at all.


We sure do! Actually, we only charge tax for orders shipped within Ohio. So, if you are in any other state, you simply won't be charged tax. If by chance you are in Ohio, just provide a Tax Exempt I.D. Number in the order comments at checkout and select to pay via check. We will amend the order to remove the tax charge and then send an invoice via email for payment. If you've already paid for your order, just contact us and we will gladly refund the charged tax.

Gift Cards


Belvedere Designs Gift Cards are just as good as cash on any of our web sites! They are simple to purchase and simple to use! You can purchase a Gift Card in any amount you decide. We will send the lucky person an email if you supply that information when you order the Gift Card. If no recipient email address is provided by the purchaser, the purchaser will receive the Gift Card code. 

Gift Card Features:

  • The purchase of a Gift Card is not subject to tax or shipping charges.
  • A Gift Card can be purchased in any amount - simply enter the amount you want on the card.
  • The Gift Card balance will be applied towards the order total, to include shipping and taxes, if applicable.
  • Any remaining balance is available for future use.
  • There are no 'maintenance' or 'administrative' fees associated with a Gift Card.
  • Gift Cards will be available for use on all Belvedere Designs websites (new sites coming soon!)
  • The person using the card can monitor the Gift Card's activity, if they 'Activate' the card while logged in to their User Account.
  • Multiple Gift Card Codes may be applied to the same order. Simply repeat the process of applying a Gift Card to your order.

Our Gift Cards are completely digital and consist of a randomly generated six character code. If you would like to purchase Gift Cards in bulk, please Contact Us!

Gift Card Purchase

At purchase, you are able to provide an email address and message to be sent to the recipient. This is optional. Once the order is paid in full, either the recipient (if entered) or the customer who purchased the Gift Card will receive an email message. The message will contain the new Gift Card code as well as a link to activate the card.

Gift Card Activation

Before they can be used, Gift Cards must be Activated. Activation simply requires the customer to supply a 4 digit PIN (numbers only), just like a debit card. They may also enter an email address when they activate the card. The email address is ONLY required if an email address was entered when the Gift Card was purchased.

Gift Card Usage at Checkout

During the checkout process, there is a form that allows you to enter a Gift Card Code and your PIN. This should be done after you have entered your shipping information so that shipping charges and tax can be applied to your order, if applicable. After entering your Gift Card Code and PIN, click the 'check balance' button to display how much credit is on the Gift Card. If you would like to apply this towards your order, click the 'apply to order' button. If the order is now paid in full, the page will reload and inform you that the order is paid. However, you still need to ensure all information is complete and submit the order. Note that once you apply a balance to your order, it is deducted from your Gift Card. If you 'cancel' your order by pressing the 'cancel' button, any amount deducted from your Gift Card will be credited back. Note that if a Gift Card is applied to your order, it will display as a line item in the "Payment Method' section of the checkout form.


Easy! Go to the Gift Cards page.

  • Choose the amount you would like to purchase.
  • Choose an email address for the lucky recipient of the card (optional)
  • Enter a short message for the recipient (optional, even if an email address was provided above)
  • Add it to your cart and complete your purchase

That's it! When your order is paid in full (which is immediately upon submitting if you use a credit card or PayPal), the Gift Card Code will be sent to the recipient's email address you entered on the Gift Card product page. If no email address was entered, the email address used at checkout will receive the Gift Card Code.


Congratulations! You're well on your way to have your walls filled with Wall Quotes Awesomeness! 

Now that you have a Belvedere Designs Gift Card, you need to Activate it. This is a simple security measure. On the Activate page:

  • Enter your Gift Card Code. This is the 6 character code that you received in your email.
  • Choose four numbers for your secret PIN. Just like the PIN on a debit card. You'll use these to verify ownership of the Gift Card when you checkout.
  • Enter the email address from which you received the Gift Card Code. This is only necessary if you received our automated Gift Card email.
  • Press the Activate button and you're done! You may now use your shiny new Gift Card when you checkout!

Please note: If you have a customer account on our site, it is recommended to log into it before activating your card. If you are logged in to your WallQuotes customer account, the Gift Card will be associated with your user account, and you will be able to see transactions logged to the Gift Card. 

Refunds & Exchanges


Though we make every effort to ensure that you will not need to return your new Wall Quotes™ decal, we understand that sometimes things don’t quite turn out the way you expect.  Each order is custom-made to your specifications, but we are willing to accept returns for any of our pre-designed Wall Quotes™ within 30 days.  If you wish to return a Wall Quotes™ decal from any of our pre-designed collections for any reason, please call us for a return authorization and then ship the unused item(s) back to us in the original packaging and include a note indicating the reason for your return. Our address is 250 Longest Lane, Dayton, TN 37321.  We will issue store credit for the order total (not including shipping). We cannot issue cash refunds for returns.

Please note - we cannot accept returns for family stickers, custom designs,custom vinyl lettering, or stencil decals. Therefore, when using our preview tool to design a custom phrase, please double and triple check the spelling, punctuation, and layout.

Also, since all wood items are cut to order, these items are not elligible for a return.

We also understand that each computer monitor displays colors differently and cannot guarantee that the colors will match what you see on your screen.  To avoid confusion and disappointment, we're happy to send color samples free of charge so that you can compare colors in person and be sure to select just the right one(s) for your project before you order.

Also, we're always happy to accommodate special requests, so if you have any particular details you'd like to include, or if you'd like to see a preview before processing, just make a note in the comment section and we'll do our best to meet your needs. If by chance the order is damaged in shipping (which is very rare), please let us know right away and we'll take care of it. We are proud of our product and we know you will be too.


If you’ve ordered one of our pre-designed Wall Quotes™ decals, we’d be happy to exchange it for something else within 30 days.  Please call us for a return authorization and then ship the item(s) back to us in the original packaging and include a note indicating the reason for the return and the item(s) for which you would like to exchange it/them.  If the new item costs more than the original item purchased, you will need to pay the difference; if the new item costs less than the original item purchased, no refund will be issued.  Our $5.00 flat rate shipping fee will also apply to the exchange shipment. Family stickers, custom designs, and custom vinyl lettering cannot be exchanged.

Domestic Shipping


We do all kinds of online shopping and we chafe at shipping charges too.  So we we try to keep shipping prices as low as we can, and free shipping is available.

  • For domestic orders under $75, standard shipping costs $5
  • For domestic orders over $75, standard shipping is free.

We also offer flat-rate Canadian ($20) and International ($20) shipping, as well as priority and expedited shipping options (that move your order to the front of the production line and often upgrade shipping speed).

If we have to re-ship your order because of an incorrect or insufficient address, you will be charged a re-ship fee of $5.00. We would very much like to keep our flat shipping rate low for all of our customers, so please check and double-check your shipping address at checkout.  Because, for example, if you live in Miami and put 7th St instead of 7th Ave, that changes the zip code and really makes things difficult.  Do us a solid and double check, eh?


We ship exclusively with the United States Postal Service (USPS) and delivery confirmation is always included, unless prohibited by the Post Office. When items must be expedited we use Priority or Express Mail by USPS. This means you may use a PO Box as your shipping address for standard orders with no problem.  APO AE addresses are also totally fine.


While production time varies slightly depending on which products you order, you can generally expect your order to arrive in 5 to 7 business days (to the continental United States) for vinyl order. If you choose to pay with an e-check through Paypal, your order will not arrive until 5 to 7 business days after the payment clears (which can take up to 14 days, depending on your bank). 

For unfinished wood items they should also arrive in about 5 - 7 business days (to the continental United States). If your order includes finished wood signs, those take a bit longer to assemble and we want to make sure the glue is fully cured before sending them your way. Those items arrive to you in 1 - 2 weeks from your order on average (to the continental United States).

Please note that extreme weather conditions can delay mail delivery and we are not responsible for such delays. Please contact us prior to ordering with concerns about delivery times; we’re happy to work with any deadlines.


Certainly. Our priority and expedited rate starts at $15.00 and your order will arrive in 1 to 5 business days. 
The Priority rate includes moving your order to the front of the production line and shipping via priority mail to ensure quick delivery.  
The Expedited rate includes producing your order asap and shipping it via USPS express overnight mail. This is our only service that can provide a guaranteed delivery date, though delivery times can be affected by your USPS service zones. If you need your order at a specific time, let us know and we can make it happen.

Priority shipping rates are flat rate:

  • $15 for a 3 to 5 business day delivery window. Delivery times are not guaranteed because the USPS will not guarantee delivery on this service.

Expedited shipping rates depend on the order total:

  • If your order total is between $0 and $150.00, expedited shipping costs $60.00
  • If your order total is between $150.01 and $500.00, expedited shipping costs $100.00
  • If your order total is 0ver $500.01 expedited shipping costs $175.00

Depending on the time of day your order is placed and your USPS service area, your expedited order will arrive in 1 to 3 business days.

International Shipping


Canadian and International Priority delivery service may be available and are addressed on a case by case basis. Please contact us for more information and a quote for the additional shipping charge and delivery timeframe.


Absolutely.  We ship all international orders through the Post Office.  Canadian orders qualify for $20 flat rate shipping.  But we’ll ship anywhere (we ship regularly to the UK and the Netherlands and have even sent Wall Quotes™ to India and Qatar). International customers will need to select our $20.00 flat-rate international shipping at checkout. We understand that international shipping rates can often border on punitive, so we do our best to offer you an affordable rate, but in any case you will be responsible for any customs, duty, applicable taxes and import fees that may be incurred during shipping.  Also, International Priority delivery service may be available. Please contact us for more information and a quote for the additional shipping charge and delivery timeframe.


Standard shipping on Canadian orders: $30.00 
Standard shipping on all other International orders: $30.00 
Expedited shipping: International Priority delivery service may be available. Please contact us for more information and a quote for the additional shipping charge.

Please note that you are responsible for any customs fees charged by your country.


Canadian and International orders naturally require additional time for delivery. Most orders, both domestic and international, are custom cut and shipped within 3 business days, but international delivery times vary depending on location. Most arrive within 7 to 14 business days from the shipment date.

Design Center


Our Design Center is a custom application that lets you create your own designs. It allows you to set a 'canvas' with your specific dimensions and background color in order to create the perfect design for your needs! Add text - adjust the font, color, and size. Add embellishments from our pre-loaded library. The Design Center updates the price of your design as you add and resize items, so that you can see the total cost. 


When you add text to a Design Center canvas, the width and height of the text is calculated based on several factors. Every font has specific characteristics that determine how each letter is drawn. The Design Center uses these characteristics to calculate the width of the text, which will be extremely accurate. If your text measures out at 65", it will be 65" long when we produce it. The height of the letters shown in the Design Center is given as a 'line height' and the finished decal may not have letters that are actually that tall.

For example, take a look at one of the available fonts, Albemarle Swash:

text metrics example

As you can see, the height of the letters can vary greatly. If you entered just the text "AaBCcDee", the calculated height would still include room for letters like the 'f' and the "k". This could result in a height of 11" being displayed, yet the finished decal might have text height of only 4" or 5", because the letters used don't take advantage of the extra height. The Design Center is set to calculate text this way to ensure that decals are not created where the letters are too tall. Note that there are measurements along the top and left side of the Design Center that can give you an idea of the height of the letters being entered. 

Again, your design will be created based on the recorded width, with the height being a general guideline. If you require a custom design with more specific height measurements, please contact us!


Our Design Center is a custom built one-of-a-kind web application. It's unique, and at times it can be temperamental! You can always submit a Design Center Request or request our Custom Graphic Design Services.
If you're having issues with our Design Center, here are a few solutions you can try:

  • Use a desktop or laptop computer.
    The Design Center works best on a computer, but should be usable on a tablet. Sadly, phones just don't have enough screen area for it to work with.
  • Refresh your browser window.
    This is especially useful if you have encountered an error while working on your design. Reloading the web page should load your current design back into the Design Center, and clear up any errors that may have occurred.
    Keyboard shortcuts to reload a webpage: Windows - use F5; Mac - use Command+R
  • Try a different web browser.
    Some customers are reporting issues with Internet Explorer. Also, some toolbar add ons and browser extensions can cause issues. Using a different browser may solve these types of issues.
    We recommend using Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox, or Safari.

If you do run into issues, we would really appreciate any feedback. You can let us know what happened by submitting a web site issue to us. 
Some of the info that would help us with your issue:

  • The type of device you were using (computer, tablet)
  • Operating System and version
  • Your browser and version
  • A detailed description of the issue you encountered
  • Extra bonus points awarded if you open your browser developer tools and copy anything showing in the console tab.
    Different browsers and operating systems have different methods, but you can try F12 to bring up your dev console, or right click in the graph paper looking section of the page and choose 'inspect element'.
    From there, look for the 'Console' tab. Note that in some browsers (like Safari), the developer tools have to be enabled first (Settings>Preferences>Advanced>Show develop menu)

Browser Extensions/Toolbars/Plugins Known to Interfere with the Design Center
We recommend closing or disabling these browser extensions when using the Design Center

  • StumbleUpon


You may submit your Design Center design to us for review or help.

From within the Design Center, just click the Send for Review button, add your contact information and a little (or a lot!) of details about what's got you concerned, and we'll help finalize your design and make your new Wall Quotes™ decal a smash hit!

Design Center Menu

Wall Quotes™ Decals


No. Our vinyl is renter-friendly, home-designer-friendly, and low-maintenance-friendly. We use a high quality vinyl made with a high quality clear removable adhesive that allows it to stick to your walls for years and removes easily without any damage or wear to the wall should you need to move or choose to change your home's décor. Just peel it off with your fingers and wipe the wall down with a warm, damp cloth and you're set. If however, you are placing the stickers on a wall or door where the paint is already peeling or bubbling, this could cause the paint to chip...but this disclaimer sounds remarkably like those that warn against using a hair dryer while in the shower.


Yes, we use a high quality vinyl that has great flexibility without compromising adhesive strength. If your walls are textured, you’ll need to spend a little extra time to apply pressure to each letter/portion of the graphic during application in order to remove any air bubbles and ensure that the vinyl has formed to the texture. Standard orange peel texture offers no problem, heavier texture might pose problems – you may request a sample (look for the Textured Wall Sample checkbox at the bottom of the form) to try on your wall to ensure adequate adhesion. My walls are textured and that hasn’t stopped me – but it does take a little extra time and careful pressing to get the Wall Quotes™ to adhere properly. And every so often I need to repress a letter or two to help it reform to the texture. 


You must wait at least 2 weeks for new paint to cure.  Although the paint is dry, it takes at least that long to be completely cured.  If you can – wait 3-4 weeks to be absolutely certain.  If you apply the vinyl Wall Quotes™ too soon, the adhesive will be compromised by the chemicals released as the paint cures, and will very likely buckle, stretch, and peel away from the wall.


Our Wall Quotes™ are made of high quality vinyl with a self-adhesive backing. They’re very thin and designed to adhere to many surfaces. We use vinyl with a matte finish so that they literally look as though they’ve been painted on the wall (without all the trouble and mess of actually painting letters on the wall). They’re durable and will last as long as you want to keep them on the wall. Your vinyl letters will arrive on one sheet in what looks like three layers. The top layer is an opaque transfer tape, the second layer is your vinyl lettering and the third layer is a stiff wax paper-like backing.


Ideally, you should apply the Wall Quotes™ decal within 3-4 weeks of receiving it.  The longer you wait to apply it, especially if it’s exposed to extreme temperatures, the more likely you are to have to spend more time on application.  The vinyl is rated for up to several years, but the opaque transfer tape is meant only for temporary use and its adhesive integrity is thus less reliable.  If you’ve stored the Wall Quotes™ for awhile, the transfer tape may not stick well to the letters, making it difficult to get them to release from the backing paper. Or it may stick too well, making it difficult to get the letters to stay on the wall.  It’s still totally possible to make the Wall Quotes™ work properly and get it to both release from the backing paper and stick to the wall, but it will take more patience and time on your part.  If you’re having trouble, please contact us and we’ll be happy to offer some suggestions to make this process as painless as possible.  But to avoid any complications – we simply suggest applying the Wall Quotes™ as soon as possible after it arrives in the mail.


Unfortunately, yes. Our vinyl Wall Quotes™ work perfectly on many surfaces, but they won't stick to heavy texture, primer, plaster, raw concrete, unfinished wood, wallpaper, untreated canvas, brick, or stucco and are not recommended for cinder block walls or paneling. If you're wondering whether they'll work on your wall or not, contact us and we can offer more direction and a small sample to test on the surface.


Unfortunately, no. The Wall Quotes™ decals can only be used once.  They tend to stretch and often tear during removal; re-using them is therefore impossible. If you need something re-usable then check out our Textstyles™ line of canvas decals. Please contact us with any questions and we can create something that will meet your needs and rock your walls with awesomeness.


Our vinyl Wall Quotes™ decals can be easily removed by placing a fingernail underneath a corner of the letter and pulling away. When removing the vinyl from glass, a windshield, or a mirror, do not use a razor blade as this will separate the vinyl from the adhesive and necessitate the use of a solvent to remove the adhesive. If you pull the vinyl away from the glass it will remove the adhesive at the same time and any trace of the adhesive can be washed away with a warm rag and gentle cleaning solution.


Absolutely.  Just use a microfiber cloth (so the little fibers in say a paper towel don’t get stuck on the edges of the letters) and a gentle cleansing solution.  Wipe gently (you don’t want to tear the decal off the wall).  I’ve had a Wall Quotes™ decal on our bathroom mirror for more than five years now.  I clean the mirror regularly with glass cleaner and yes, a paper towel.  Every so often fibers stick to the edges, but I wipe them away with a microfiber cloth and it’s good to go.  Sparkling mirror, wall decal intact.  Same holds true when I wash the walls (which, let’s admit it, is fairly rare though the odd crayon incident has inspired a thorough cleaning every now and again).


It actually depends on the quote and the size, but most of our designs do come in one piece. 
A few good rule-of-thumb notes:

  • If it's in two (or more) colors, it'll come in two (or more) pieces.
  • If both dimensions are larger than 24" it'll come in at least two pieces (again, depending on the total size and the design).
  • If it's a custom design, it's kind of hard to say, but we try to keep the design in one piece to make installation as easy as possible.

Product Questions


We do.  We also offer several other specialty vinyl and custom colors.  Our reflective vinyl is a hi-grade outdoor-rated vinyl with a permanent adhesive - the same used by many ambulance companies.  It is well-known for its long life, reliability and flexibility.


Absolutely.  We also offer full-bleed printing to eliminate the traditional white border around the graphics and designs (and we can do the traditional white space too).  These indoor graphics are also reusable and repositionable (which is awesome).  Please contact us for more information and a full quote for your custom project.


We have several types of printed vinyl to meet all of your decor and signage needs:

Indoor Matte:
Repositionable, removable adhesive for decor or indoor signage applications. This material works best with at least 1/4 inch of white space around your printed area, but we can do full bleed contour cuts as well.

Textstyles™ Canvas Vinyl
Repositionable, resuable, removable, and very durable, this material is a vinyl-coated polyester fabric designed for indoor usage and has a beautiful canvas finish.

Outdoor Gloss: 
Permanent adhesive, with available lamination to protect your design from fading in the sun for up to 7 years. Perfect for any application from bumper stickers to store front windows.

Window Perforated: 
Removable adhesive, with available lamination to protect your design from fading in the sun for up to 7 years and from dust accumulation, this vinyl is designed to be see through from the inside for vehicle or store front signage applications. Vandal proof interior window perf material is also available.

Static Cling: 
Non-adhesive static cling material is available in both clear and white for temporary signage and decor applications. Please note that we cannot print white on clear.

Custom Designs


Yes.  Though we have a huge selection of vinyl colors to choose from that will match nearly any décor, we also have a full-color printer and can match any CMYK custom color.  We know this will be particularly helpful for logos and company-specific color schemes.  Please contact us with the details of your project and we’ll be happy to provide a full quote in one business day.


We have found that the same font is often known by several different names, and we have hundreds of fonts at our disposition, but not all of them are listed on our site.  If you can't find the exact font that you are looking for in our list online, just contact us with the font name (and a sample text if possible) and we will check our extensive font library. In most cases we will have the font you’re looking for or be able to find one very similar to it.


Certainly. Just email us a vector art file (.ai, .cdr, .pdf or .eps) and your specifications and we can provide you with a quote. If you don't have a vector art file, you can email us with a digital image of the logo (.jpeg, .gif, .png) and we can work up an estimate. A custom art fee may apply if you do not have the vector file of your logo. Please see our Custom Designs page.


Absolutely, we love designing new things, so please feel free to contact us and explain as much as you can about your idea. Tell us about the "look" you are trying to create - let us know if you have any particular fonts in mind and how big the space is that you would like to use and we'll be thrilled to help create the perfect design for you and provide graphic proofs via email along the way; This is a service we offer free-of-charge for almost all text-based designs.


Custom art fees are based on the size and complexity of your design so they must be estimated on a case-by-case basis. Custom designs involving just text rarely require an art fee, but if we're creating a logo, modifying an existing logo and/or matching a particular design or shape then a custom art fee will apply.  Our graphic design fees start at $25 per hour. If you are not sure if your project requires an art fee, just contact us with your idea and we will respond with a full quote in one business day.